Saturday, October 19, 2019

"...who cares"

Historically Accurate Election Forecaster Predicts Trump Will Win by Even Greater Margin in 2020. Newsweek.
If the economy remains more or less the same, and the job index stays likewise #45 stays. Even with Impeachment, and the extermination of the Kurds....for most Americans this is none of their business.
All of his madness, and cruelties are of no importance to the vast majority. This because it is not directed at them. It's as simple as that.
The republicans in 2012 were certain. As certain as progressives now for 2020 that they would win. They'd vote Obama out. Recall their stunned weeping faces when they didn't. A recovered economy, and stable job numbers kept him in. They despised his outward liberalism, but put up with it for jobs, and corporate profits.
The only wild card is that #45 is more outwardly insane now. He might do something to upset this formula. Ironically the only hope for change is his Insanity. ...we'll see.

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