Friday, October 4, 2019

"...sad times"

Two things today. Speaker Pelosi spoke with passion in defense of our Constitution. This in reaction to our head of State saying that Article Two gives him the right to do "anything I want". For obstruction of Justice, and refusal to co-operate with the investigation our head of State has been subpoenaed by Congress.
This to confirm his obstruction of Justice.
The second thing.
As many feared Senator Sanders is having heart surgery. All future appearances are cancelled. Many were concerned that his running for office would do this. I was surprised he decided to run again. 

I have often castigated his more extreme fans that they were killing him with their blind fanaticism.
That this has been disastrous for his health. 
That, and his unlikely election could outright kill him. His demented fans didn't seem to care.

Well here we are.

This country is insane. We watching it's final reels. I'm more interested in what follows. Do we break up into regional statelets. That or fight it out across a whole continent.
If I were younger I'd be a soldier in that slaughter. 
As it is my role would be much like the old folks one sees in old news reels. 
This among refugees fleeing battles in WW2 footage.

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