Saturday, October 12, 2019

"Model Charles as Twiggy"

My former heart throb Charles Guislain.
Here as "Twiggy".
(...ask your Queer uncle who "she" was.)

Well Charlie is in getting into his mid-20's.
He's got fat unshaven let himself go. 
Basically he looks like the Millennial he is.

I've read on fashion pages besides finishing his education Charles
 rebelled from his earlier fame. This as  diva Queer boy style hero.
He seems to have embraced everything that is not that.
I understand.

Sort of like that jerk who played Tadzio in Death in Venice.
This in the early 1970's
That one matured into a homophobe.

I haven't heard if Charlie has gone that far, 
but wouldn't be surprised.
As I sez
I understand.
Folks need their freedom to be what they want. Take that away they go nuts, and these guys did.
Ex-Tadzio did with horsepower.

Just as well I didn't marry either of them. I had as a younger man planned.
The pre-nups would have been a nightmare anyway.


Welcome to the unintended consequences future.
Fucked up like everything else up here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has Charles done a turn as Eddy Sedgwick? That would be cute. Though my own taste in femme fatales runs more in the direction of Ava Gardner.
