Wednesday, October 30, 2019

“Rumors of War“

I got caught up in thread on a friends page. This about the recent events in the Middle East. A poster was going on about how this nation is the worst in all history the most genocidal. I said we were amateurs at it. Other’s were far worse. His point was we did it in peacetime. I replied:
“It’s not peacetime hasn’t been since July 1914. That following August WW1 started. The first part of the 20th century’s 100 Year’s War. It ended on September 11th 2001.”
This is the messy aftermath. We call it the Terror Wars.
Historians will call it something else as time, and distance makes them clearer. This btw was the Second Hundred Year’s War. Historians are just beginning to recognize this,…we were so close we didn’t realize it was really one long awful War.
The First Hundred Years War was in the 14th century. So no all of our crimes after WW2 were part of that greater War. Korea the Cold War the overthrow of governments Vietnam all that. The other side with their murders overthrows, and destabilizations them too.
The sooner the blood drenched hand of the 20th century with it’s deadly passions failed ideologies revolutions that gave the world mountains of dead. Their perversions of science, and culture demented religions…all that.
As it dies away the sooner the 21st century with it’s unique problems, and hopes can begin.

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