Tuesday, January 7, 2020


The year begins with a Sign!
Giant Tumbleweeds overtake, and bury cars in Washington State. 
As has been written in the Book of Stuff.

Clearly these are the Final Days.

A Celestial review of Humanity's Act.

At last Humanity has the Great Hook of Life yanking it the fuck off the stage.
Their show had possibilities at first. Then went into repetitive comic dramas. Sure these had their moments, but not enough to save the show.

Then they finally splashed face down into endless ridiculous sitcom spirals.

These full of dreary earth plundering lawyers comic opera dictators crooked disturbed politicians mass death too many commercials, and no laffs.

Sure that Nuclear annihilation thing had us on the edge of our seats for a while.

True to form they blew even that.

They went back to pennyante low level extortion murder injustice despoiling the earth, and bad movies.

Humanity should have been canceled 20,000 years ago on general principal.

Good fucking riddance!

On the upside,...

I hear them Rats Racoons, and Cetations have an act coming on...these guys should be good!

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