Tuesday, January 7, 2020

"...eat the rich,...alive, and slowly"

Good news for the Underclass tonight!

We now have the right to sleep in he rain unsheltered. The Supreme Court ruled laws that forbade sleeping in public are unconstitutional. We now have the right to sleep!
That this is a "victory" sez much as to what we've become. Law enforcement, and government agencies were hoping the decision would go the other way. So they could in their own words, "Eradicate" homeless encampments. In particular in the western states. 

There the encampments have gown to the size of towns. 

See above this is exactly what elected officials, and their enforcers the cops inch to demolish.
Where these people would go is of no concern to them. They said nothing in their "Eradication" hopes regards affordable housing or care for the homeless. Just outright Eradication.

Did I mention  that in Philadelphia at the order of the City government. Cops are once more taking blankets from the poor to force them to move on, and not sleep in public this winter. 
There was an injunction last winter that has expired. 
They wasted no time in striping the poor of their raged blankets. 
In Dickens 19th century Britain these were called the Poor Laws. This is 2020. This is 21st Century America.

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