Saturday, December 7, 2019

“Fresh Fruit”

Apparently Faeries are Real! ...and not a moment too soon!!
The da U.N. has known since their founding these folks were hanging around. However they were given Pots of Gold, and assorted Dark Matter technologies by the Wee folks to keep their traps shut.
Btw they ain’t exactly “Wee” being on average seven feet tall.
Seems these are some big bleeping Faeries. Com'on that's what they are. Anyway these fruits are the oldest branch of Humanity. I mean they’ve been using pencil sharpeners for a million years.
They only ask that we stop having wars, and torturing each other. If we don’t stop they say they’ll stop all that for us.
#45 declared war on them big pointy eared folks this afternoon.
So far the Army ain’t budged. Generals sez these folks is "too cute to shoot." So I guess we gots a New World Order on our hands. Me I welcome life with our cute Overlords. More as shit happens.

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