Saturday, December 7, 2019

"Star of Wonder”

If an Alien ship actually came to rest on Earth. This on a Christmas Eve. I’d like to see it come down in a less expected place.
If in America perhaps a Native reservation. A laid off Coal Town. A neglected Inner City. It would not crash rather given their tech it literally just comes to rest.

Millions hear a series of sonic booms as it streaks over Indiana Ohio, and Pennsylvania. It slows, and comes to a peaceful stop over a Brownville Brooklyn school yard. Then slowly settles on the grass.
First Contact is made by six 12 year old black middle school girls, and their teacher. They become the human liaison with the star folk. This as the Aliens take them as representatives for the Human species.
Attempts to push them aside, and install “official” political, and military reps are rebuffed.
These youngsters, and their Brooklyn College Jewish teacher will speak for the Earth.
They will be our bridge between the stars.

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