Friday, December 6, 2019

“Theology 101″

I was on an Anglican page. The question of receiving communion during services at other christain denominations came up. The rules regards this changes with the decades. Mind I’m not a literal christain anymore, but still have an interest in the debates.
My reply:
Jesus as a man dressed as just a guy yet the Son of G-d if he walked into a church this afternoon would not be qualified to conduct Mass in most Anglican or Catholic places of worship.
I mean given the centuries of static rules laws, and official documents required.
However he could stroll into any store front church on earth, and preach. These places I’ve found though wild, and wooly sometimes are what the Church was when it began in the deserts of North Africa, and the Middle East.
G-d exists outside of time.
We’re the ones with the problem of centuries of layered dross. G-d did not put barriers between the Divine, and people. We did with out fears needs to exclude sense of power all that stuff.
So much so for so long that whole vast populations think G-d can only be approached through the dreary even sometimes murderous bureaucracy of religion, and officially appointed intermediaries.
Case in point. If I had expressed theses simple points of view just a few centuries ago. I would have been publicly killed in a most cruel way. This as a warning by the establish faith.
In our divided times there are some that would ‘still’ do it.
This is who we are this is what we still have to deal with.
That the original question, “…can one receive communion from other denominations?”. That this which started this thread is a “question” 'at all' sez so much, and how far yet has to be travelled till we are just a circle of Souls in search.

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