Sunday, July 23, 2017


I just watched a stupid video online by that crank Graham Hancock. He sez all the ancient Egypt stuff was done by sorcerers, and space aliens. Hey I'm a UFO nut, and 'even' I know that's Bullshit. Also no I ain't posting his insane video...we got enough of that noise around here.

The boring truth is,...

Them Pyramids were built by a bunch of big sweaty guys a real long time ago. They did it one big bleeping brick at a time under the hot sun. That's pretty much it. No ufo's no magic no space aliens no ancient mystery masters no shit like that. No union labor neither that's for fucking sure.

They built that big bleeping shit like folks built the fucking Brooklyn Bridge.

I swear what the hell's the matter with folks. People will believe anything. I mean look what they elected. Still you can buy this guy's tin foil hats, and t-shirts at the back of the hall. He'll be here all weekend...tell ya friends.

His next lecture will be "My Summer with Bugs Bunny".


Anonymous said...

Hiya Bugs! Have a carrot!

Oh yeah, that Chariots of the Gods stuff. That's been around at least since the 70s, maybe longer. It reminds me of Shirley MacLaine back in the day claiming that space aliens built Machu Picchu and other major Incan structures; this while she was in Peru. That country is filled with the descendants of the Incas, and here this pea-brained gringa was as good as telling them that their ancestors were too dumb and lazy to have built their own civilization. What a fucking insult! I hope they ran her out in a rail.


uncle1950uncle said...

Well she's in Arizona now so something must have happened. She's probably telling the local Pueblo People that their ancient canyon cities were built by a wandering tribe of Swedish mystics.