Tuesday, July 4, 2017


We must do what some cultures have always done. That is look seven generations ahead when we are deciding something. Like deciding what sort of nation we want to be in the 22nd century...not as far off as it seems. We must plan now for those coming days.

For example.

The recent outbursts of racist violence, and harassments stemming from the ascension of Mr. Trump to the Presidency is a clear sign of the fading of one America, and the beginning of another. That is to say the final curtain call of White America, and the debut of a Technicolor America.

Trump, and his desperate movement is clearly a rear guard action of that fading era.
o much of that movement is late middle-aged to elderly. They can't bear the idea of sharing power, and wealth with those they see as beneath them. This being so, and in the interests of being a peaceful respectful, and tolerant nation. I think we should make a point of being nice to white people. Especially the sort so hostile to basically everyone not them.

We must be open hearted to especially these. If nothing else it will be fun to confuse, and annoy them this way. Like what the condescending liberal whites did to Negros in the early to mid-20th century. Btw I remember getting yummy scoops of that friendly condescension when I was little. It was sweet,...creepy, but sweet.

True there's still plenty of white folks in positions of power, but this is changing. They're already a minority, hence their fearful rage, as more technicolor babies have been getting born in our beloved republic since 2010 than pink ones. The first generation of non-white majority kids are entering k-thru-12 right now. Soon university after that families, and then wait for it,...VOTING. So we should get into the habit of being nice to them now rather than later when it may be much harder.

You know invite them over.

Have "White Peoples Pride" day. Make pleasant comments about their arts, and crafts. "Say that "Night watch" painting was rather good or "your "Beethoven had his moments",...like that. Sounds silly now, but it will be serious later. Remember it's 'nice' to be nice. This investment will pay good dividends in the future.

Help them know that we understand their fear .

They know what happens to minority's, and so are in raging terror of becoming one. Their own hands are bloody from what they directly or indirectly did to other peoples. So they dread the same.
We must let them know they have nothing to fear from us.

This because 'we' are not 'them'. They will find we will be more patient compassionate, and co-operative with them than they ever were to us,...mostly.


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