Sunday, October 22, 2017

"...come to pass"

I know you're all or most thinking the same thing. Here we are on the brink of a nuclear exchange albeit a limited one. Yet we have perhaps the most ill-equipped person ever to hold the Office of President of the United States of America in the Oval Office.

He threatens annihilation when he should be pursuing calm diplomacy. He engages in petty personality feuds when he should be reassuring the nation, and the world. He has childish tantrums antics, and spites when he should be a symbol to the world of just, and rational leadership.

I'm thinking of another October. The one when the future of the whole world was balanced on a knife's edge. If this unfortunate man were Commander in Chief during those critical days I fear we know what would have come to pass.


Anonymous said...

Tantrum politics is very popular these days. Logic, evidence and reason are *so* out. This is true for all segments of the political spectrum. Our Pres truly represents America.

If N Korea didn’t have nukes, it would have gone the way of Iraq and Libya by now. That Kim Jong Un doesn’t want us to turn him into hamburger proves how crazy and irrational he is. What a madman!


Anonymous said...

P.S. - Some say Trump is controlled by a cabal of generals:

I don’t whether this is the reality, but it does kinda look that way. It would explain his bellicosity.

I suspect that for all his bluster and braggadocio, Trump is really weak. He’s a man without much of a plan. It’s not like there’s really a way for him to restore the economy, even if he wants to. So why not just roll with the Pentagon’s agenda? Propping up Empire at least perpetuates the illusion of prosperity a bit longer.