Monday, October 2, 2017

"It Gets Better"

I was very ill today so missed the fun. Now I hear it 500 shot down in the street, and 60 dead, far. This for those of you of an age will recall was the typical weekly body count of American troops in Vietnam.

Yes yeah the American underclass of all flavors, and colors is going insane. What with seeing their, and their families future vanish in the new economies. These are bitter betrayed very desperate people. 'Armed' desperate people. So they just start shooting. It mostly don't matter who gets shot so long as they get shot since everybody is guilty.

I sometimes feel somewhat the same way. However being a touch civilized I just watch cat videos till the feeling passes.

Clearly the solution as is traditionally said is, "more guns." Watch you bet the NRA will say this at some point. Any other somewhat rational country would say, "That's fucking it!!" "We don't care what you think we're taking your guns. All of them!" That, and send out the damned Army to do it. Btw watch as the armies of Trailer Trash evaporate before an armored division.

Yeah I call these low life yokels "TT" because I'm officially racist against them as of,...let see,..., it's 9:42pm,, Right mark that down. I want them forcibly disarmed, and shot dead if they refuse. This is how insurrectionists are handled all over the world,...ask any surviving 1970's American Black Panther.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Turns out the shooter wasn't desperate trailer trash. He was a millionaire and landlord, and liked to hang out in casinos, which he could afford to. He was one of the one percent. Also, he was a country music fan. So this was a wealthy white one percenter country music fan murdering as many as he could of middle class white country music fans, taking out his rage on those similar to but below him on the socioeconomic pyramid. This would appear to call for an adjustment of our sociological analysis. Without a clue as to what was going on in his head, I don't quite know what to make of it, except that it definitely ain't good.