Friday, May 12, 2017

"Another Death in the 'Hood"

I wandered onto a crime scene. The players were there. Med-techs cops innocent by-standers, and the Dead.
A man as holy as you or I lay dead.
Blood neon red on the concrete.
It's real it happened.

Later I returned to the place.
The blood traced in arcs. Still "neon".
All around life went on.


Death is always the same. One is left profoundly knowing that you are not your flesh.
They call remains "remains" for a reason.


Anonymous said...

That's awful. Two such incidents is two too many to have in one's hood, especially in such a short space of time. May it stop there.


uncle1950uncle said...

Over the years it comes in waves. It was quiet for over a decade. We're even gentrifying...more white middle class people equals more cops, and sanitation. We have it too. This is the math of NYC racial politics.

However this shit seems immune to the old equations. Killings are happening everywhere in the city no matter the demographics. True crime in general is at historic lows for us. Really it's at post WW2 levels now.

It's generally like "Mayberry RFD" compared the Wild-West 1980's/90's.

At it's worst in a single year in the early 90's we lost over 3,000 to murder, and 80,000 to various criminal assaults. Who knows how many traumatized, and never reported attacks.

We really thought that era was gone, it creeps back.

So yes two killings in my 'Hood. That, and a number of wounded from stabbings, and shootings. Were it not for the first class Emergency Medical Teams here the body count would be much heavier,...than two.

So here we are,...again.