Saturday, May 6, 2017


Btw I still feel like fucking shit. My post operative guts are frozen it's agony even to bleeping breath. I feel sick lonely insane despairing suicidal raging, and generally fucked up.

Otherwise I'm okay.

The seasons changed outside of the windows I was sentenced to. Even here at my digs. I lay in bed the year turns. The sun, and moon chase each other through this year I have nothing to do with, far.

When this started the trees were bare. I've seen them blossom since. Even a small humid heatwave has come, and gone. The constant is dampness cloudiness, and rain.

Rained like hell last night.

However I did finally get my laundry,...all 60lbs of it. I near passed out again in the process. Still it's the adventure of being mostly dead that I so enjoy. When I dragged this stuff out to the place last week it was hot, and humid...a sign I should have stayed put.

Coming back even without dragging the load was a tad of a danger. Tunnel vision set in shakes cold sweats. I leaned against a building for what I thought was a few minutes, but turned out to be closer to 40.

I thought that was that. I was going to drop dead on the street for my laundry. Actually a worthy thing. Clean linen fresh duds clean comforters are the mark of civilization. Like ice cream, and cowboy movies.

Eh, ...a reference to a post somewhere I made about how "ice cream, and cowboy movies" are used to distract you in hospital while they save your life. I wondered what the charitable order of the middle ages the "Hospitalers" would have made of this.

Did they have entertainers of the day amuse their patients or did they just have prayer...probably the latter given the times.

Did I mention my massive discomfort, and incidental agony I'm enjoying here...I did? Well it's fucking worse today. I have a fear this is the way it's going to stay. Generally fucked up, and painful till I terrifically drop dead in a few weeks.

Years. The witch doctors said I had at least several years of a useful life yet. I'd choose euthanasia. That or let me be a soldier, and blow away some of them fucking Nazi Isis shits...I'd enjoy the fucking hell out of that till one of them got me.

'Be back later.

You notice I never say "Stay Tuned" anymore?

That time of my living,...the artist the broadcaster all that is long's over.

Now I'm just me.

A private unknown useless mouth to feed like the other 7 billion.

So,... 'Be Back Later.


Anonymous said...

About 7 point 4 billion, actually.

While you're blowing away nazis, maybe you wouldn't might taking out some of those shits who are currently running Chechnya. They've started a new wave of violent repression against gays there, replete with abduction, torture, beatings and murder. Most recently it appears the leadership have been encouraging Chechens to murder their gay sons - "honor" killings, as they call it. If Chechnya wasn't in Russia, I'd be all in favor of bombing there. Maybe we should do it anyway.


Anonymous said...

I hope some bed rest will do it, and that eventually you'll be feeling better. Might take a few months, I'm guessing. I realize there's no guarantee, but I hope you do get to feeling like you're back among the living and ready to kick some Chechen ass.


Anonymous said...

P.S. - I do realize you're feeling like dog vomit right now. Not trying to put a smiley face on the situation. Z.

uncle1950uncle said...

So that's what that smell is.

uncle1950uncle said...

I just called Santa.

Not only are them Chechen Nazi bleeps on the "Naughty" list, and getting coal in their stockings. 'But they'll be assorted radio-active isotopes mixed in the batch as well.

Anonymous said...

Chechens are Muslim, hence not eligible for stockings. How about making it so that their fasting at Ramadan continues all night as well as all day? A month of that should slow them down considerably.



Anonymous said...

P.S. - Maybe there's a way to work in the isotopes as well.


uncle1950uncle said...

Humm,...I'll get back to you on that.