Thursday, September 7, 2017

"DEATH, and Pie"

I reprint this from time to time. What with North Korea now building H-Bombs. That, and the President of the United States still clearly an infantile madman,...well time for another posting of my favorite short essay.

If you are anywhere within 50 miles of a multi warhead hit on a major city read no further. You are dead...period.

This from direct blast injury from being buried under burning wreckage asphyxiation as all the air is sucked up by the multiple fire storms that will soon congeal into a vast regional blaze.

If you are 100 miles away your chances would be 1 in 40. This for immediate survival. Your dangers will be break down of order, and the radioactive frontal waves from the firestorms that will in a few hours reach you.

Your life expectancy increases the farther away you go.

If I 'had' to be in a state that was hit I'd want to be a minimum of 200+ miles from the many ground zeros. Even then I'd be on the move to get further away especially if the winds were in my direction. We must remember if a nuclear exchange between the major powers happens it will not be 'one' mere bomb from a plane.

This the cold war stereotype of attack.

Whole squadrons of ICBMs will be assigned to hundreds of individual military industrial financial, and yes 'cultural' targets. This is intentional.

Understand this kind war for both sides is to the total destruction, and death of your enemies. The idea is to utterly destroy not just the military economic, and political centers, but the whole complete culture. The traditions histories peoples. To wipe you, and the memory of you from the face of the Earth.

That is the true purpose of Nuclear war.

That said you must know that each target will have 10 to as many as 50+ warheads hit it. Especially if a military area or political center. For example. After the cold war when the Soviet achieves were for a short time open to western scholars we discovered that the Pentagon alone had 30+ warheads of varying strength targeted on it. NYC in excess of 300.

One has to think in such terrible terms. Imagine the un-imaginable if you even have the slightest hope you're going to survive.

Bottom line...

If you can see it or hear it you are immediately dead or dead in hours.

However a terror nuke is another matter.

This may be "just" the spreading of radioactive dust over a distance of 5 to 20 miles. That or a low yield radiological explosions at several regional locations. Each with perhaps a quarter+ the force of the Hiroshima bomb.

These are "survivable" for many if circumstance is with us.

If somewhat favorable conditions are met. Perhaps half the population of the target city (s)  'may' live. If not then just a fraction may "exist" with traumatized shortened post strike lives. This of course because of blast injuries emotional scaring's, and radiation induced cancers in the next 10 to 30 years.

That's it in a nutshell for a "Terror Bomb (s)".

Things of course can vary widely because of type of warheads weather time of day social resilience, and local ground conditions.

...That said "Who wants Pie!"


Anonymous said...

We are not going to suffer nuclear annihilation at the hands of Kim Jong Un or his haircut. China will not support him in a nuclear attack on the United States, because being annihilated by the USA's vastly superior nuclear arsenal would put a serious crimp in their business plans, which are what China is really all about.

Why is our President an infantile clown, a mean-spirited vulgar buffoon and an ethically challenged unscrupulous huckster? Because elected politicians truly represent the people who voted for them.


Anonymous said...

I'll take lemon meringue, if there is any.


uncle1950uncle said...

The slack jawed masses have once again elected someone exactly like them. Andrew Jackson is a good earlier example. Btw President Trail of tears is a fav of our disturbed child king. Has his portrait in the Oval office.

I googled it. This is the first time since Coolidge that "President Exterminate the Indians" has "Hung" in the Executive Office.

...yet life goes on.

uncle1950uncle said...

The slack jawed masses have once again elected someone exactly like them. Andrew Jackson is a good earlier example. Btw "President Trail of Tears" is a fav of our disturbed child king. Has his portrait in the Oval office.

I googled it.

This is the first time since Coolidge that "President Exterminate the Indians" has "Hung" in the Executive Office.

...yet life goes on.

As for a rain of death, and higher taxes. True China Inc. wouldn't like their insane client state to get out of hand. However they are "insane". So we can't rule out a hissy fit of a dozen or so missiles coming our way.

Say five for our bases in Japan That, and three for our big airbase in Guam. They'll likely try two for Pearl Harbor, and two for Seattle with their new big stuff. Out of all this two if lucky three will find their targets.

The Japan bases will shoot all the inbounds down,...they're prepared. One might get through to Guam. Pearl Harbor will shoot them down. Ironically Seattle will almost certainly get hit. Despite calls for missile defense for the coast it's still not in place. Priority for Japan, and Pearl.

When this happens...Peal harbor again?!!!

The masses will go insane, and demand a nuke hit back which our child king will likely do. The hit on continental U.S. soil in Seattle will absolutely decide it. Our Nuclear doctrine is to retaliate in kind for any use of weapons of mass destruction on our turf.

Calmer heads will force king baby to call the Chinese, and "ask" for permission for one symbolic low yield Tactical Nuke hit one a military base in North Korea. This will be the beginning, and end of WW3.

China will then I mean cross the vast force, give humanitarian aids to their comrades.

The pizza will continue to be delivered internet porn will still be the, and the child king will have a "stroke", and will replaced by the constitution in an orderly manner by that religious nut. goes on.

uncle1950uncle said...

Sorry only Apple, and Peach,...but we could order out if you want to wait.

Padraig said...

Speaking of morons. Excerpts from a GQ article by Jack Moore:

Earlier this week, Limbaugh made the disingenuous and dangerous claim that Hurricane Irma was a media-constructed hoax, designed to increase ratings and sell people on the idea of climate change. This was of course nonsense, which should have been clear...

Today it was announced that the talk radio host, who lives in Florida, would be evacuating after all. It's almost like the media wasn't perpetuating some liberal hoax, but rather was reporting things that were happening.

As a colleague at work likes to say, "You can't make it up."

Padraig said...

That pie a la mode looks tasty.

uncle1950uncle said...

This republic is going through another wave of gross insanity. Come to think of it like all nations it's always been a matter of controlling demented outbursts. Human beings as a whole are naturally insane. At heart we're hunter gatherers that wear sox, and pay taxes.

We never have really adjusted to what's loosely called Civilization. Our combined histories clearly shows this. Right now reading any info media platforms confirms we're in another storm of lunacy.

I'm as nuts as the rest. I have to force myself 'not' to climb the Chrysler Building in my shorts. This with a conical clown hat on my head floppy shoes a Roman candle sticking out of my butt shooting flares all the while singing jingles from 1950's cigarette commercials.

It's a moment to moment struggle.