Sunday, May 6, 2018

"Divine Silence"

I was watching a documentary of the Holocaust. I do sometimes to make sure I saw what I saw. That people ordinary people can do what they did. Anyone under the right circumstances can do what the Germans did. ...and have.

Since that time, and before  there have been major genocides. That, and any number of "Little Genocides" A village here a border town there, and marketplace slaughtered a town gassed.

You know this we know this.

We all of us seem to be potentially guilty, and innocent depending on where when, and who we are.
In this film a witness said how those in the gas chambers called to g-d.
It "echoed as in a Catacomb" she said.

Call to g-d.

We do this we all do all the time.
So do all the creatures of this, and all the other worlds. However She is silent. Eternally silent to our ears.
Though if she did speak it would likely be to tell us She speaks always.
She shouts through all of her creations. The skies the seas the lands the creatures seen, and unseen.
Every moment of everyday she sings in all manner to us.

To which I stand in Her face, and scream back,... 

"BULLSHIT!" You cruel murdering monster!

Speak to us in the clear.
Speak to us in the words you gave us the ability to make refine, and use. Speak comfort to your victims.
If not that.
At least then an explanation of this vast saga of chaos you made.

We're listening on every conceivable frequency.

We're listening.


Anonymous said...

If you add up all the deaths that America has been responsible for in the last half-century you might find out that it puts the Nazis to shame. Not only the senseless war in VietNam, but later to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, just to mention a few! Add in the "War on Drugs" which has destroyed huge areas of Central and South America and you may well come up with a figure that makes the Holocaust look like child's play. Then add in the deaths caused by American police killing innocent people and you find any discussion of Hitler to be laughable.

uncle1950uncle said...

I never thought Hitler was funny.

Also I came close once more to being among the statistics of cop inflicted murders. despite that we're not the first on the butchers list.

As mass murderers go I'd put us at number four behind the fucking Nazi the Russians their cold war pals, hello Cambodia, and the Brits.
I don't buy the yanks as the super villain's of history.

We have plenty of very professional competition.
Hell little tiny fucking Belgium in the 19th century killed upwards of 3 million Africans. We're not even counting what the other guys did.

Still feel free to hate my owners.

In the future assorted Pacific powers will be doing the heavy lifting regards mass exploitation torture, and murder. We'll be a 10th rate power eating dried grass, and begging aid from rich Indians.

In any case I was screaming at g-d not Washington.
This since I'm far more lightly to get a response from her than them.

Anonymous said...

“One should call the ‘holy’ story by the name that it
deserves, as the accursed story; one should use the words ‘God,’ ‘Saviour,’
‘redeemer,’ ‘saint’ as invectives, as criminal badges.”
Nietzsche, The Antichrist, postscript, 30 September 1888

uncle1950uncle said...

...I think that guy was onto something.