Sunday, May 6, 2018


It can literally happen to anyone no matter how careful you think you are. The system as now functioning plans for some to end up as such, and keeps them there by making it almost impossible to get out.
I was one of the very few to come back from being Houseless. I found there was no official consoling for returned homeless.

There are so few that there's no budget for it. So like soldiers before shell shock was admitted to exist one is entirely on one's own to recover,...which 10 years later I still haven't.
I only post this as sometimes it all comes back as being in the war did to my brother John. One can go long periods free of it. However then you're back where you were.
Snow. I was having a vivid flash back or whatever these things are of sleeping in snow.
This behind some trees in Liberty Park at the end tip of Manhattan.

I could see the lit torch of the Statue of Liberty.

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