Friday, May 18, 2018

My friend Rudy wondered if our social media platform friends are friends or just vampires devouring content. What is digital friendship? 
I wonder the same. Are we "friends" Rudy, and I ? Are my friends "friends"? Are we just devouring each other's dreams emotions wondering fears joys all that instead. Not really wanting understanding or internalizing the human being originating them.
We are separated by a digital veil.


Anonymous said...

There are those who would have you believe.....
- that the internet is going to replace not only cinema but also conversation and the moss that grows on rocks.

Anonymous said...

"You begin to question the Internet, which represents 'one degree of complexity too much to handle,' and advocate withdrawing from 'the idiotic race' for a life of maximum inefficiency and leisure." -Ben McGrath,disucssing Nassim Taleb, New Yorker, January 26, 2009

Anonymous said...

If you decide a blog forum lacks authentic connection, I’ll miss it, but perhaps it’s time for some real life again.

I’ll probably keep posting my art to IG. There’s little or no discussion to speak of. If you like, I’ll send you the addy.


Anonymous said...

I do repent me of all that I have said, and aver that all things electronical are divine, being most holy and sent to us by Our Lord Progress for the benefit and salvation of mankind. Woe to unbelievers! Deliver us from unclean apostasy!


Anonymous said...

Where can we find your art. I love the work you do.
Can you post the URL here, please?

uncle1950uncle said...

Z my dear old friend.

I think I'll leave all my assorted pages where they are. These are more trouble to undo remove than leave alone.
I mean I have a number floating adrift in the digital sea from many years ago as it is.

I sometimes find them.

Untouched some for over a decade, but still there. I was a whole different person when last I posted on these.

On the other hand you mention an art page for my things....maybe.

I think I'll make another page.

You can see my crap there. I'll work on it.

Also Z please yes if you have art pages please send your url.
I want to keep up with your dreams!

As for posting rants there's still this place. A place to describe my dreams, and nightmares like I've always done. However no one should feel they have to comment.

I'm rethinking everything while I'm still around.

My recent two encounters with actual sudden violent death in the last month sort of put me in mind that I may not be immortal after all.

Speaking of dreams I'm about to write of a new one above this post.

Thank you to all that have followed me on the air, and online all these years.