Saturday, May 12, 2018



Well okay right now there's a bit of a mainstream concern about the gunning down of Black youths, and young boys. Seeing these persons shot to pieces on a regular basis has stung the nation's conscience.

At least for the current news cycle.

Maybe the next cycle will be about some celeb's hanky panky at some night club or some other major event. Still okay for now folks having a few moments of unease over all this blood being sprayed about in Nigger-town.

However when this momentary concern starts to wear thin what with the profound short attention span in this country...What Then?

Business as usual is what.

They should put up an electronic counter for this sort of thing in Times Square. Sort of like the one counting the National Debt, and how much each individual would have to pay. 

I think it's in the $Hundreds of Thousands$ per head of citizen now.

So yeah put the "Shot Unarmed Darkie Counter" next the "The Debt Counter" in Times Square so we can always know at a glance where we stand as a country.

As I said in other posts rather bluntly. "The life of a Nigger in this country innocent or guilty ain't worth shit",...and it ain't.

Perhaps if the lives of Blacks were somehow lifted to that of Dogs we might be somewhat better off. I mean most cops like dogs, and might not be so quick to shoot one.

Till then we're just fucked.

Period, and Amen.

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