Monday, January 1, 2018


Anonymous said...

She said it!

Posterity is not going to like our civilization.


uncle1950uncle said...

We could have made a paradise on earth with our tech, but chose not to.

The advances of the industrial era could have transformed the whole planet.

We could have made a Heaven for all the creatures of the world, but deliberately made Hell. We refine by the day the hour to make if even more dark cruel stupid, and point blank evil. This is our choice this is what we want.

We're like those chimps that hoard all the bananas for ourselves, and kill others to take theirs.

That is who we are always were always will be.

Unlike the chimps we can 'choose' to be different,...but won't.

...those that would choose better are too few, and too weak.

Anonymous said...

It’s true. In the third quarter of the 20th century, the possibility of making the world a better place for everyone was palpable and real. But we just blew it out our asses like stupid selfish monkeys, exactly as you say.

Actually, I’m not sure that we could choose, collectively. This may involve limits that are inherent to humans. As a species, we’re not as smart as our vanity makes us like to tell ourselves we are.

Maybe we as individuals won’t always be human. I’ve begun to think that perhaps humanity is a phase we need to go through, and then move beyond. The destiny of humanity is not some glorious thing that transcends that of other species. We’re just another species out millions, one whose eventual and inevitable extinction will be nothing to get upset about.


uncle1950uncle said...

Yes being "Humanity" is likely just a phase for our species.

In time after wrecking the planet we'll move on to a niche somewhere in the healing of this age we've made. I've read that some think nature will see what a horrifying mistake advanced intelligence was, and will slowly wean us away from it.

We'll may devolve to the creative level of dogs, and live in the wilds as the carnivores we are. Perhaps even go back to the trees which we should never have left. Were it not for that great drought some millions of years ago we'd still be there.

Such is our future,...wild dog-men hunting in the healing ruins of our own making.

I like it. It has a kind of justice about it.

Anonymous said...



uncle1950uncle said...


Anonymous said...
