Tuesday, January 2, 2018


It's 20f degrees, and going down to 9f tonight. Snow in a few days, and it's going to 2f degrees.
Last year this time it was around 70f,...for weeks on end.
This is the difference between weather, and Climate.
Me I'm just watching, and laugh as so many say it's not happening. What a grotesque comedy!
I'm enjoying the hell out of the end of the world. 

Btw the above dollies. "Gay Boys",...actually so labeled.
I got them at "Toy's R us".
They were pulled after a few weeks never to be seen again. Real Gay Boys fortunately are still very much around.

Thank da G-ddess!


Anonymous said...

I think we should send Putin a pair of these Gay Boy dollies. I’m sure he’d appreciate them.


uncle1950uncle said...

As with all self-hating Queers it would scare the crap out of him!