Friday, January 12, 2018


I always had the notion that not only was the Earth a cruel practical joke by G-d, but that's it's really Flat made of Cheddar Cheese, and ruled by the Mice.
This makes as much sense, and is just as likely to be true as all that smart guy noise about Dark Matter, and the eventual Heat Death of the Universe.

This is why people don't like science.
However it doesn't explain Demolition Derby's.

So strangely popular all over this Trumped republic.


Anonymous said...

Dark matter seems to me suspiciously like the epicycles of our age: a sign that modern cosmology, like Ptolemaic astronomy, is a flawed model of the universe.

The Big Bang theory also is open to doubt. Cosmic background noise could have some other cause. There’s no particular reason to suppose that the universe had a beginning or that it will ever end - unless your thinking is unconsciously influenced by Christian eschatology.

Science is great. But we don’t necessarily have to swallow whole whatever happens to be the currently fashionable cosmological theory.


uncle1950uncle said...

So,'s all Cheddar Cheese?