Friday, January 5, 2018

"...maybe not"

I was thinking of heading over to Coney Island to wander the snowbound Boardwalk. However after my short adventure into
Arctic Brooklyn. Basically three blocks around my digs.
I've thought better of it.
The wind chills just outside Sydneyhaus is in the minus-teens.
On the ocean front it's probably wind chill -30!


One shouldn't mess about with nature when She's busy.


Anonymous said...

A wise decision, I fancy.


Anonymous said...

The Bambi view of nature is totally false. Nature is violent, amoral, and nihilistic. If you look at the history of this planet, you will see cycles of creation and destruction that would offend our morality as human beings. But somehow, because it’s ‘nature', it’s supposed to be fine.
Best to err on the side of extreme caution Uncle!

uncle1950uncle said...

Oh sure I get it.

Bambi would make a nice steak lunch any day.
I'm just say'n is all.

Yeah Nature rules. The Bitch is a Mass Fucking Murderer.

Like that time she threw a whole fucking planet at this world...and the place survived. Though nothing of the biosphere that was here then.
Shit we can't even imagine what he atmosphere was back then.

When Nature kills She don't fool around. com'on I was just talk'n here is all.

Anonymous said...

I refuse to believe it. Nature is all about fluffy bunnies and rainbows and daffodils.

Still, it is better to stay away from tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and weather that’s 25 below freezing.

I want to see productions of all the comedies of Shakespeare. Fuck the tragedies - they’re depressing. And the history plays are just Tudor propaganda.