Monday, January 8, 2018

"Early this Morning""

It's 6:20am, 18f degrees now with light snow coming in the early afternoon. I went out for a walk about 4:30am. Not nearly as bad as just yesterday. Mild winds make the difference. I imagine 18f would be outrageous for most. However I've always been a cold weather person.

That, and I want to experience all this while we have it. It could be years before we have another really cold winter. Then again there could be years worth of Arctic seasons coming,...we just don't know anymore.

Still the air was sharp, and good.

Some stars visible through misty clouds, and no traffic or folks about.

All is at peace.


Anonymous said...

Love the photo. That little creature is way cute.

I could not handle those temperatures. When young, you can adapt. Later on - no way. It’d probably kill me.


uncle1950uncle said...

The little guy is some sort of "lamb-thing", anyway I understand.

If I had grown up in a warm to hot climate this little walk could well have put me in the hospital.
By the same notion if I were walking a hot desert or as in most of the southwest, and west. Partial desert conditions. Such could well be fatal for me.

We are what our regions make us.

Still there's those Solmalians doing well in Midwest blizzards. seems in time one can adjust.