Saturday, January 6, 2018


( I posted this a year or two ago. I just ran into it again, and thought it needed another look.)

What happened to Cops like this, or did they ever actually exist? Yes, and no I think. It depended on where you were, and who you were.
Where I grew up I saw both types.
The thoughtful humane sort, and the head bashers. Over time the fearful paranoid "Bashers" won out over "Officer Friendly". Funny the ugly stuff we get used to, and call normal.

Btw I remember well them long yellow raincoats! ...and the metal snap galoshes. Jumping in puddles should be a "Kid Olympic Event".


Anonymous said...

More of that über-wholesome Leave It To Beaver creepiness. I just know there’s a gas chamber & crematorium behind that school.

I read a couple of days ago that for the last few years, police killings of civilians have clocked in at just under 1,000 per annum - up almost double from 2001-2011.


uncle1950uncle said...

Well of course. The heat has been retrained, and armed to fight Isis. However they decided to fight the American people...mostly the poor or black ones instead.

Much safer for them this way.

Going after fanatical heavily armed maniacs that 'want' to die didn't seem a good idea to them. No beating raping, and or shooting unarmed out numbered Americans is a far better career track.

Cops that shoot dead unarmed underage Black boys besides being acquitted often get promotions. So it's win win, least for them.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a career maker for them.

Unless eventually some pissed off fucked-over veterans decide to start an insurrection. Those guys have learned a lot about guerilla warfare these past fifteen years or so, courtesy of the US government. And I doubt they’d have much trouble getting arms and funding; I can think of several foreign powers that would be more than happy to supply them.

Then our brave coppers might suddenly be falling all over themselves in their rush to take an early retirement.


Anonymous said...

P.S. - I remember the raincoats too, and the galoshes as well. Actually, I wish we still had them; they worked - they actually kept you dry, and your feet too.


uncle1950uncle said...

A multi-sided a-symmetrical Civil War is totally in the books for us.
Any number of our former or current victim nations will be seriously happy to fund such adventures here.

Yeah that stuff them raincoats, and metal buckled boots worked perfect. Nothing since priced for proles has remotely worked as well.