Monday, January 15, 2018


( I just posted this on Facebook that place where all the old people go to complain.)

"I know we all or mostly all already know this. Because we see it everyday. If you're reading this that is if you found my page. You're in a mostly "progressive liberal commie tofu eating Me Too football player kneeling Bubble.
There are many other bubbles just as narrow boring, and dreary. The rightwing bubble is to me at least a terrifying swamp of racist homophobic demented conspiracy-land mania of xenophobia, and greasy foods.
I like the fried food part actually.
There's rich person bubbles. Seriously strange. These folks live on not only another planet, but different universe. I found a gamers bubble,...disturbing. I've heard there's a regular non-political non-obsessed bubble, but haven't found it.

I suspect it doesn't exist.

Probably couldn't in our kind of economy. The Facebook algorithms, Google the term, have put us here to keep us comfortable, and buying stuff related to our fantasies.
They number crunch your interests, and send you to the bubble most likely to anesthetize you. You just find stuff you agree with. Excellent marketing tool this. However profoundly bad for the republic. In that millions hundreds of millions that's most of us. We're in our little pig pens happily oinking away with other like minded potential pork chops.
Like I sez you know this so I'm just saying is all."

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