Wednesday, November 15, 2017

"The Plain Truth"

Regards the latest Sexual Panic, and Hysteria. This applies to all of them. Sex is sex. People want it, and will have it. However you add in the grim seasonings of power disparities culture race history male traditions towards women, and kids, and you get this distorted horror. It's not about sex at all. As many are saying it's entirely about power, and dominance.

Sex is a wonderful so totally intimate coming together of two or more people. 'This' what is coming out is about the ownership of human beings, and the use of them by men for their whims.


Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention in my previous rant that we should also posthumously prosecute Constantine I the so-called “great” for crimes against humanity, and the empress Theodora for her persecution of gays. Dr. Tissot, the wretch who taught the world that odious pack of lies about the alleged harmfulness of masturbation, should be consigned to 1,000,000 years in Perdition. Dr. Kellogg, who spread same sort of ideas, and Krafft-Ebing, author of “Psychopathia Sexualis,” should get lesser but still pretty heavy sentences. We’ll take Anita Bryant’s case under advisement.


uncle1950uncle said...

No punishment to too cruel for their likes!

Which is why I say condemn them to Life,...In High School!!

No Shop!, No Study Hall!, No Gym! NO LUNCH!!!

Algebra 24/7!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heh heh heh...