Wednesday, November 29, 2017

"Fuck Denmark"

I keep coming across these demented displays online.These how this or that Nordic state is a social paradise. Bernie's wonderland. In particular Denmark. Yeah that bucket of shit that's their favorite Fucking National Front Nazi leaning fucking Denmark. The leftie Bernista's go on about how these goose stepping shit heads have such swell social security for their folks, and we should be 'just' like them.

What utter bullshit.

I hate these things. Stupid commie jerks. Nobody has thought out how they got all that. How they got it, and how they keep it. They can do this because they're not as we are a planetary Empire with profound, and seriously expensive obligations all over the world. They also have a small national homogeneous population the size of just 'part' of Brooklyn.

These nice people like most of Europe these days have a very large racist national front movement, and their government is now deporting refugees of color as fast as they can. Btw they were allied to the Nazis within the so-called Pact of Steel,...aka the Axis. See below. Google it.

This fantasy about Nordic countries many progressives have is not helpful. A close look at how they really do business will put you off.

Basically these guys have all this neat shit because they can afford it.

They can afford it because they have no real armed forces to pay for. That or large overseas commitments. NATO or more to the point. 'We' are their army. 'We' pay for their defense. This is the only part that shit eating Nazi fuck Trump gets right. If we ever have economic justice here in this dying butt fucked bleeding broke wretched republic. It will be a unique American model of such, and not one from a bunch of tiny mono-cultural proto-Nazi statelets.

For heaven's sakes.

Look just our Bronx street gangs could invade, and defeat them over a weekend.


Anonymous said...

Well, I’d still be happy to have Danish-style socialism. ‘Course it’s true they can afford it because they don’t squander money foolishly trying to militarily control the world (Euro countries will soon need to start budgeting for their own defense, as we can’t afford to cover their ass any more). But it’s also because they didn’t stupidly dismantle their manufacturing sector and send their jobs overseas.

Europe is the original home of white racism. Andre Vltchek points this out at some length; he thinks western Europe is even worse this way than us (and he *despises* us).

I think a good litmus test for a country is the way it treats small groups of non-conformists like Gypsies, Jews and gays. They’re usually the most vulnerable. Also, the homeless. I don’t know how many countries come out looking good.


Anonymous said...

P.S. - Speaking of Danes, you might want to try an image search for Kick Ciske. I don’t think you’ll regret it.


uncle1950uncle said...

Like I say these days. The Russians can have them. They can have Nazi Eastern Europe, and the soon to be Nazi West. To think we would have gone to nuclear war to protect them. They ain't worth the fart of one heroin addicted private now.

When Russian tanks, and bombs lay waste Amsterdam Copenhagen Berlin, and Warsaw. I'll watch on CNN, and smile contented.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, this seems kinda like painting with a really broad brush to me. According to the wiki, Denmark had a considerable resistance movement against the Nazis, as well as collaborationists - a mixed bag like other countries. Also, 99 percent of Danish Jews survived because the Danes wouldn’t hand them over - shipped them off to Sweden instead.

What’s going on in Poland and other places right now is really scary; but the worst you’ve said about the scandihoovians is that they don’t have a military to invade the world with. Isn’t that supposed to be *good* thing? Also, who would we be protecting them from right now - the Russians? Russia shows no sign of wanting to invade them. In fact, as Islam pours into Europe via the refugee crisis, I bet lots of Euro countries will be snuggling up to Russia for fear of being forcibly Islamized.

The big players in imperial criminality over the centuries are countries like Britain, Spain, France, Portugal, Germany and Belgium (which has never faced up to its crimes against the Congo under Leopold II). Scandinavians are bit players. I don’t really understand why they’ve earned your rage.


uncle1950uncle said...

They have my rage, and it's earned. Though I suppose they're hardly worth the energy of anyone's hatred. What with they're lack of any real worth, and with their combined populations somewhere south of Delaware. ...okay toss in the metro area of Tulsa too.

Still my dearest wish is for them to be laid waste along with the rest of Europe, by crazed blood thirsty drunken Russians, and Chinese. Like we should have let them do in 1945.

Europe has been a weed up the butt of this planet long enough.

Wipe them out salt their earth use the survivors as slaves, and let the Chinese Mandate of Heaven rule the East from Lisbon to Hanoi forever!

At least we can do honest business with them butchers.

Anonymous said...

Z, I happen to agree with you. I think Sidney is way off base on this issue or maybe his meds are causing him to get a bit psychotic.

uncle1950uncle said...

I want to see cruel vicious gouging burning death from Lisbon to Kiev. I want the white race butchered from the face of the earth. Their monuments crushed to gravel their languages extinguish their religions exterminated their memory erased.

Why is a ridiculous question.

Anonymous said...

Uh, Sid, RU sure you’re all right? You don’t seem your usual self. Maybe Anon is right about the meds. I hope you’re feeling more equable soon.