Monday, February 26, 2018

"...on the other hand"

Sunset from my bedroom window.

"The Living End"

...A video of my latter years.
Drone-camera glides about my darken digs. Paint peeling away. Windows broken. No matter since it's summer year round. Half curled cracked yellowed poster of Jimmy Hendrix on the wall. A water replicator in the kitchen as piped water was cut off years ago in the rationing. Some tattered comic books scattered about. My old flat screen TV in the corner unused in over a decade since everything is online now.
Then the camera slowly floats up to me. I'm 92, and in my old reading chair. An IV of meds nutrients, and cocaine cola stabbed into my few functioning veins. These feedings btw maintained by "Satan on Wheels" a private charity that like many others filled the niche left when they abolished Medicare Social Security, and kindness.
I look like shit. More like 292 than 92, but so what. I'm wearing my sniper proof safety helmet got my FCC elder-plan VR-AI goggles on, and I'm happily in the cyber-realm. My favorite download of the semi-legal "1957 Naked Boy Scout's Jamboree, and Dadaist Ballet".
My "Satan-on Wheels" do-gooder home visitors checks my signs,...yep breathing, and brain waves still there. Checks my online status yep still in the "Ballet". That, and with a meds induced big shit-eating grin on my aged face.
The crew signs off on my account, and goes next door to check on the 110 year old retired fireman. That guy is always downloading "West World",...thinks he's a cowboy.
It's the end of the world, but everybody's happy.
The End.

Sunday, February 25, 2018


It's a "Cobbley". They're a primate species that's been quietly hanging around us for some tens of thousands of years. Some think they're the origin of the Faerie myth. This one I call "Hotpoint". This because i found him living in an empty refrigerator box when I was 11. He's been following me around ever since...btw I think these guys are near immortal.
Anyway Hotpoint sleeps most of the time then eats watches TV, and goes back to sleep.

This is why folks almost never seem them...they're asleep. Also they're usually mistaken for cats. Anyway Hotpoint looks after things at my digs. He's been helping me eat healthy to. He knows herbs roots all that. These guys can also perfectly imitate anyone's voice. He calls my doctor for me...stuff like that. The down side he orders weird stuff online. That, and sings opera highlights when I'm trying to sleep.

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Back in the day Empires knew how to handle mad kings. If this were the 14th century the Barons, and Lords would have arraigned a plausible entertaining accident for this demented clown during the first week. Then put his youngest son on the Throne.
Installed a reliable crook as regent, and Just got on with business.
The proles wouldn't know or care.


The World Health Organization plans to add "gaming disorder" in its list of mental health conditions.
Not surprised. Also it should include related addictions to the various "Devices" whole populations can't live without. I saw the signs from the beginning.
Being a drug addict myself. I call myself that though my last hit was near 25 years ago.
You can't shit a shitter as they say.
I saw the signs of mass addiction to the social technologies from day one. Before the internet I watched as friends couldn't take themselves away from the first rudimentary computer games.
They'd spend upwards of 10 to 12 hours at a sitting only to go back for more. My speed, and coke habit was mild compared to this.
I recall making warning's about this trend on my radio programs. Now much of the western world are cyber addicts, and happy to be so.
See "Cyber Olympian" above.
It's gone so far that the addicts themselves now want their games to be Olympic competitions.
Can you see it. A vast arena with hundreds of people in chairs IVs of nutrients stuck to their arms goggles on the heads. This as they battle each other in Cyber Olympics. Heaven for them.
In reality a hell. 
However like all addictions the cyber sort contains it's own cure. You stop or you die.

" aware"

This below from a piece I did a year ago when #45 started his War on Trannies.

Interesting how the Military ignored his order to expel Tans folks from the services. This tells me they'll ignore his illegal orders. They recently did it again by ignoring #45's demand that the Joint Chiefs sign a statement of personal loyalty to him...something Hitler did.

They of course ignored this. These officers swore an oath to the Constitution. Not any one man. #45 being an uneducated learning disabled wannabe autocrat had no idea about this.

The rant:

There 'is' a Transgender Flag. See above. Neat. Thing is everybody has a right to their lives. The "Right to Life" for Everybody.

I first met trans folks back in the immediate post Stonewall I wasn't there. I went a few days later. Anyway these were such loving open literally revolutionary daze. When a comrade called you a  "Gay Brother" they meant it. ...yes those were the words used.

We were all in it together.

Mind you the usual bullshit went on...we're human, but it was nice then. I was 19, and thought I knew everything...NOT!. Anyhow I had a sweet Trans friend about my age. I remember him/her still. Yeah he was a boy, and said that's that. he was going to stay one. But had serious female tendencies.

These days this would be incorrect. Which shows how we've betrayed our beginnings.

Back then there wasn't yet the separation of queer men from lesbians, and that whole ugly "who is really gay" thing that happened in the late 70's to the early 1980's. It's not written about much, but I was there, and remember. We will never recover from those schisms. It's in the DNA now. No one or very few remember when this was not so.

I think this was the beginning of it all moving from a revolutionary cause to an assimilation movement. My dear friends...we ain't them. This "temporary" acceptance is sadly I fear just that.
The "assimilated" Jews of Germany thought they were safe the Muslims of the Balkans in the 1990's as well.

They found very dramatically that they were in fact after all,..."Not just like everybody else"

There are tens of millions that want us Dead.

So be aware.

Friday, February 23, 2018

“Dirge Without Music”
Edna St. Vincent Millay
I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the hard ground.
So it is, and so it will be, for so it has been, time out of mind:
Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely. Crowned
With lilies and with laurel they go; but I am not resigned.
Lovers and thinkers, into the earth with you.
Be one with the dull, the indiscriminate dust.
A fragment of what you felt, of what you knew,
A formula, a phrase remains,—but the best is lost.
The answers quick and keen, the honest look, the laughter, the love,—
They are gone. They are gone to feed the roses. Elegant and curled
Is the blossom. Fragrant is the blossom. I know. But I do not approve.
More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.


Kindness, and gentleness must be remembered.
This for when it's time comes again.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

"A Moment of Peace"

"...more good news"

New Climate. Yeah we're in the shit,...pretty deep too. I was thinking about our situation. It's February,...and it's 74f degrees. I'm thinking of our shit besides how we torture murder enslave the world with drugs sex money greed all that.

Besides all that fun horror.

If we stopped everything halted world industrial carbon emissions right now. It would take 300 years for the earth to clean what we already have in the air. That's just to start. Just to stabilize what's already up there. It's another 3 to 500 years to get us back it a pre-industrial pristine planet. 
So it's 600 to near 1000 years to get us back to normal if we started right now this afternoon,...which we ain't gonna so.

All this mayhem about treaties, and fake news, and making people aware means shit. It don't matter if people understand what we've done because we're not going to do shit to stop it. We can't. It would mean the quick end of our interconnected civilization. So we're going to keep doing what we do. This means the TV the 'net pizza our wars our crap all of it will go on for another century or two. Yeah the oceans will rise, but so what.

It's our grandchildren, and their kids that will pay. It's them little bastards that will starve that will die of thirst famine plague. They'd fight in wars over water rice, and meds. We'll be gone so fuck'em.

Btw if all this happened naturally. If the heating of the world happened on it's own it would have taken 2.5 Million Years to get us where we are now. We did it all in only about 3 to 400 years.
This since the start of the Industrial revolution.
Ain't we something.
Also yes we are very Doomed.

Nothing matters, never has so grab what you can while you can.

"Wide Shut"

Though these days as you've  noticed I've become very like the "Strelnikov" character in "Dr. Zivargo". (...see his armored train below.) A formerly idealistic kind man turned into a grim monster by the revolution. Though I'm now a monster that would sign all the death warrants it takes to kill off the American Klan, and Nazi hoards.

Despite that my core of empathy somehow still lives.

I'm stuck awake,...wide fucking awake. I haven't slept normally since this latest student massacre. A few hours here, and there maybe. I know worse happens daily in the world. In that bloodbath we left in Iraq. There was another 100+ dead suicide bombing. This in the religious civil war we stupidly ignited, and then walked away from.

However because this is close to home, and not as easy to ignore. I've gone into a kind of shock. Not just for this specific bloodletting, but all of them through the years. Including the routine murder of unarmed Black men, and young boys by cops all over this republic. I mean who cares about that right? There are much newer, and more entertaining flavors to be had now.

So my days are haunted by the bloody fall of my once beloved Republic. One that had such hope for it's people, and the world. Now we watch as we easily even calmly murder each other. Then shrug, and bury our faces in devices.

Meanwhile the cries of so many innocent souls here, and around the world keeps me awake. My eyes are wide shut.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"So Be It"

So now the gun bubble sez all the kids speaking against the guns that are killing them were paid off by the Liberals to do it. As if they need anyone to tell them that that getting shot is a bad idea. This country is not only insane, but now evil. This tradition has made us a Pariah nation in fact if not name.
At this point reform is off the table. Take their guns, force. Finally have it out with these maniacs. Take every gun every bullet. 

Fight back? Of course they will. It's their wet dream that someone would try to disarm them. However AR-15's some stashed plastic explosives will not wear well against armored columns, and B-1 air strikes. Which in some places is what it will take.

They'd rather die than give of their right to kill people. So be it.

End this.


In the 70's again today.
I Dream of Frosted Snow Bound Brownstones.
My dreams is the only place I'll see them till next winter,

...if there is one.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

"I didn't Shoot Any"

About 70f degrees today. Yeah it's February, but New Climate, and all that. Btw it's 80f in my digs as the heat is on automatic here. Granted most seem to rejoice at this. To me it's one of the more inconvenient circles of Hell.
NYC tradition of Spring or now New Climate mid-winter is that all the garbage on the streets from the whole Winter defrosts at the same time. It really stinks out there in this pre-mature heatwave.

I have as you know class hatred for Yuppies of any kind. The more liberal they are I more I despise them. Like I hate the guts of Nazi trailer park white trash. To me theses are the same. Both oblivious greedy evil shits. Anyway the Yuppies at the first day above 40 are out in their underwear jogging.

This because they want to live forever. This implies they have lives comfortable enough to want it to go on as long as possible...I would with justice, and gleeful rage on my side shoot them dead on sight if I weren't such a nice guy.
Well I saw them on the Parkway in herds today with all the New Climate heat out there.

I didn't shoot any.

Btw manhole covers were blasted into the air. Electrical explosions under the streets as in summer in NYC. This with today's heat. 72f degrees at LaGuardia airport .
76f in my kitchen w/direct sunlight. Yeah it's February, and mid-winter.
Everybody that complained that it's cold in winter . Ya know like it's 'supposed' to be.
They should be happy now that winter is extinct.


I just awoke. Been down with the flu. This time mostly headaches pains. Congestion gave me a break, far. Dreams. Fevered dreams about my life family events real, and imagined. 

A scene.

I'm with a large crowd sitting outside of a pizza place watching the first World Trade Center go up. People then as I remember were as much in awe of it going up as they were seeing it come down.
I always thought our skyscrapers were going to be eternal as with Rome or Athens.
In the 9/11 attacks the WTC went down faster than the Titanic,...think of that. Faster.

This should have taught us humility.
Our monuments are imperfect, and very temporary.

Monday, February 19, 2018


"Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss that which insults your soul." 

Walt Whitman