Saturday, February 17, 2018


I slept most of today what with flu aches, and such. Plus the fall of nations. The routine American tribal custom of killing the innocent including children. ...letting it just go on.
Strange dreams as I slept, but then wake up to Snow?! 

It's mid-winter it's suppose to snow, and be cold,...but hasn't. No real snow in NYC in more than a month. With a few exceptions just the usual New Climate tepid temps. Out of nowhere snow. Btw it's going to be in the 70's in the coming week. Meantime the Snow Angels, and Faeries have given us a blanket of bright  snow to comfort us in these terrible times.

By my bedroom window "Fiat-ometer" an inch so far. They say seven by morning,...we'll see. Drive real careful out there, and get home safe.  My dear pal Mark upstate had a bumper event on the highway in this. They're all okay, and made it grateful. Still as we know snow is better enjoyed from inside a warm home full of love. ...or at least full of dolls, and electric trains.

On a related matter. I read that the Pope said that our pets, and all other life are part of g-d's realm, and goes to heaven when their bodies die. Reminds of the two deal breakers from them Nuns that tortured us, and held us hostage all them years.

Them evil Nun fuck heads said it "wasn't a sin to kill in war", and that our "pets don't go to heaven". Right there with that foul shit I knew we were being had. I changed my plans accordingly.

1 comment:

uncle1950uncle said...

Just as quickly the snow as vanished, and temps in the 70's on the way.

New Climate.

This is how it is now.