Thursday, February 15, 2018


Anonymous said...

You know, I kind of have a weakness for these candles. I totally get the appeal. My God do we need reassurance - Guardian Angels, man. I mean, it’s either this or Theognis and a mound of earth; or maybe some happy combination of them all.


Anonymous said...

Of course we could make it La Santísima Muerte. Very popular down Mexico way, I hear.


uncle1950uncle said...

Given my life, and what I know. I shouldn't be horrified or even surprised.

...but I am.

That, and I fear I'm running out of candles.

Anonymous said...

Get more!

Between you and me, I don’t really like La Santísima Muerte. Too macabre by half. I suspect she’s a bit of the old Aztec religion creeping back. Guardian Angels are way better.

I’ve found it’s pretty easy to make candles from the discarded wax of old ones. Paper cup molds are perfectly acceptable.


Anonymous said...

“Paganism has not yet invented laws--only virtues.”
“Dionysus the drunk boy on a panther--rank adolescent sweat--Pan goatman slogs through the solid earth up to his waist as if it were the sea, his skin crusted with moss & lichen--Eros multiplies himself into a dozen pastoral naked Iowa farm boys with muddy feet & pond-scum on their thighs.”
–Hakim Bey, “Paganism”, The Broadsheets of Ontological Anarchy

Man! That buddy of yours Sid sure as hell has a way with words, images and ideas! And a friend of mine once said his novel "Crowstone" was the greatest book he ever read!
Long live P.L.W.

Anonymous said...

My copy fell apart a long time ago - loved to death. I keep the fragments, hoping to restore the whole.