Thursday, February 22, 2018

"...more good news"

New Climate. Yeah we're in the shit,...pretty deep too. I was thinking about our situation. It's February,...and it's 74f degrees. I'm thinking of our shit besides how we torture murder enslave the world with drugs sex money greed all that.

Besides all that fun horror.

If we stopped everything halted world industrial carbon emissions right now. It would take 300 years for the earth to clean what we already have in the air. That's just to start. Just to stabilize what's already up there. It's another 3 to 500 years to get us back it a pre-industrial pristine planet. 
So it's 600 to near 1000 years to get us back to normal if we started right now this afternoon,...which we ain't gonna so.

All this mayhem about treaties, and fake news, and making people aware means shit. It don't matter if people understand what we've done because we're not going to do shit to stop it. We can't. It would mean the quick end of our interconnected civilization. So we're going to keep doing what we do. This means the TV the 'net pizza our wars our crap all of it will go on for another century or two. Yeah the oceans will rise, but so what.

It's our grandchildren, and their kids that will pay. It's them little bastards that will starve that will die of thirst famine plague. They'd fight in wars over water rice, and meds. We'll be gone so fuck'em.

Btw if all this happened naturally. If the heating of the world happened on it's own it would have taken 2.5 Million Years to get us where we are now. We did it all in only about 3 to 400 years.
This since the start of the Industrial revolution.
Ain't we something.
Also yes we are very Doomed.

Nothing matters, never has so grab what you can while you can.


Anonymous said...

"I have absolutely no sympathy for human beings whatsoever. None. And no matter what kind of problem humans are facing, whether it’s natural or man-made, I always hope it gets worse." - George Carlin

uncle1950uncle said...

There should be a 200 foot tall statue of George pissing on a Bible.

Across the street from the National Cathedral would be a good spot.

Anonymous said...

“It's our grandchildren, and their kids that will pay.”

That’s exactly right. In other periods, the prosperous have benefited economically from the suffering of their slaves. In this one, we benefit economically from the suffering of our descendants. They are going to hate our guts.

Another reason I’m glad I never had kids.