Saturday, February 24, 2018

" aware"

This below from a piece I did a year ago when #45 started his War on Trannies.

Interesting how the Military ignored his order to expel Tans folks from the services. This tells me they'll ignore his illegal orders. They recently did it again by ignoring #45's demand that the Joint Chiefs sign a statement of personal loyalty to him...something Hitler did.

They of course ignored this. These officers swore an oath to the Constitution. Not any one man. #45 being an uneducated learning disabled wannabe autocrat had no idea about this.

The rant:

There 'is' a Transgender Flag. See above. Neat. Thing is everybody has a right to their lives. The "Right to Life" for Everybody.

I first met trans folks back in the immediate post Stonewall I wasn't there. I went a few days later. Anyway these were such loving open literally revolutionary daze. When a comrade called you a  "Gay Brother" they meant it. ...yes those were the words used.

We were all in it together.

Mind you the usual bullshit went on...we're human, but it was nice then. I was 19, and thought I knew everything...NOT!. Anyhow I had a sweet Trans friend about my age. I remember him/her still. Yeah he was a boy, and said that's that. he was going to stay one. But had serious female tendencies.

These days this would be incorrect. Which shows how we've betrayed our beginnings.

Back then there wasn't yet the separation of queer men from lesbians, and that whole ugly "who is really gay" thing that happened in the late 70's to the early 1980's. It's not written about much, but I was there, and remember. We will never recover from those schisms. It's in the DNA now. No one or very few remember when this was not so.

I think this was the beginning of it all moving from a revolutionary cause to an assimilation movement. My dear friends...we ain't them. This "temporary" acceptance is sadly I fear just that.
The "assimilated" Jews of Germany thought they were safe the Muslims of the Balkans in the 1990's as well.

They found very dramatically that they were in fact after all,..."Not just like everybody else"

There are tens of millions that want us Dead.

So be aware.

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