Monday, December 4, 2017

"Art of the Deal"

Last Friday evening as I was about to post the call to Sabbath air raid siren went off. I live near an high Orthodox Jewish Temple. They're in, and have been for decades. In a Messianic Fever. Like Evangelicals they expect the Big Guy to show up any minute.
Unlike as in my former Catholic faith where we figure he'll leave us alone for a few thousand more years.

They decided to use the siren to make the point of the urgency.

There were complaints. However we settled it in the usual Brooklyn way. We had a meeting agreed we couldn't stand each other, and they turned the volume down a bit.
Same happened with the Haitians when their religious stuff went nuts for a while. We came together confirmed that we can't stand each other, and reached a compromise.

Would that the whole world would be so reasonable.


Anonymous said...

Screw reason. Blow them the fuck up!


uncle1950uncle said...

That's the spirit!