Saturday, December 2, 2017

"Heralds of the New Age of Darkness in Europe, and America"


Anonymous said...

Sidney, I’m getting the impression you might do well to reconsider your decision about the meds. These last few days you’ve been going totally Marcus Garvey on us, or even rather worse than that. I mean, come on - raging fantasies of genocide, as in a post or two below - this is not like you, at least I hope not.

We’ve discussed many times about the current world historical situation, and undoubtedly it’s not good. But you seem to be seeing Nazis under every bed from Vancouver to Vladivostok. The sitch is bad for sure, but it’s not like that.

Hoping you’ll calm down a bit, I’ll leave you with an article you might like. You’ve often mentioned seeing fairies or other nature spirits as a kid. Here’s a good piece on that very subject by a writer I think highly of:

The second half of the essay will come out on Wednesday, at the same web address. I hope you like it.

Be well,


uncle1950uncle said...

I'm going through a period of rage.

Given the time perhaps understandable.

I normally suppress these sort of things. However this time I'm letting it run loose. Not actually engaging physically, but I am writing what I feel. As for hating white people I don't nor do I wish them harm or even genocide. Though I do wish they'd wake up black, and stay that way for a month.

Cruel perhaps, but it might do them some good.

Eh,...not all, and not at the same time. Just enough to be Black in a white world for a month. This might have an effect. That or Jewish in Poland in 1941, and 42. the height of the extermination.

This too might have an educational effect. Perhaps have much of the wealthy or the comfortable upper middle class at least wake up in bad health intellectually impaired, and hungry in a trailer park,...again for a month.

I seek only to share the misery out there with those that obliviously keep it going.

In any case I'm fine.

I'm exploring my rages in an as non-intrusive way as I know how. No one comes to this page other than a handful of old friends. I'm hoping that these will understand.

I hope to have passed through this period soon.

Anonymous said...

Uncle, you have your cultural references wrong. These are not heralds of darkness, but of LIGHT! This is a Krampus band, celebrating the Midwinter Solstice sabbat and the driving out of the darkness of civilization and the return of LIGHT. (That this particular band is drumming on benzine tanks from automobiles ((BMWs, that spawn of obscene capitalism, probably, given their south German location!)) is a particularly nice touch.)
Happens all over South Germany, Austria, and German-speaking northern Italy this week and next. See what you would lose if you destroy Europe? There is hope for the return of light yet!

Anonymous said...

Waking up black would be a salutary experience. Staying that way for at least a month would do some really interesting things for one’s world view. I also like very much the idea of rich people being hopelessly poor for a while.

The crux of the matter in both cases is that they must have no idea that they will ever emerge from that situation, with all its attendant despair, even if it persists only for a few weeks or months.

Not everyone would necessarily be improved by this. In Ancient Rome, former slaves (freedmen) could be some of the most ruthless slave masters, or so I’ve read. But I think there’s a good chance it would have an improving effect on quite a lot of people who are currently enjoying lives cushy privilege with great complacency, and imagining that they are somehow specially deserving of it.