Friday, December 22, 2017

"Wonder", from December 22, 2015

The Earth what a wonder. Now see the map below. It looks like a weather map for a day in early May.  In fact we're just off Christmas Eve. 

The Earth screams in agony at the pain we angry "fire ants" are compulsively inflicting on her. We unknowing, and uncaring torture our Mother.

This Earth the World that birthed us, and all that live with us. 

These days this time as I say in another post this "False Season". This widened Autumn of fearful signs, and few wonders fills me with sorrow, and dread.

Sorrow for the world we have lost, and dread of the one we have making. I sometime envy those with faith in the various invisible g-ds they worship.

A caring kindly divinity that will make everything right, and good. So comforting a notion. I even drift back into faith sometimes. The Holidaze especially re-news my feelings of loss. Loss of my long ago fervent faith.

Well no g-d will fix our wounded world or change the minds of the greedy fearful men that insist on this mass torture of the Earth. Even if these divinities were 'real' I doubt they'd intervene.

They'd say to us they'd answer our prayers with, "You dirtied the Earth 'you' clean it."  

"You murder your children 'you' spear them." 

"You stave your neighbors 'you' feed' them.

"You're plagued with wars, 'you' end them."

No great shining miracles from the sky are needed. 'We' committed all the mentioned crimes, and more. 'We' can stop them. 'We' can make amends. 'We' can heal, and restore.



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