Friday, March 23, 2018

"Amazing What 50 Years can Do"

Okay it's more like 186 years. It in the West the current movement at least goes back to the 1830's. That's how long perverts have been yearning to breath free, and hang out.

At least that long. 

What with assorted "proto-fags" writing all sorts of sonnets, and such about their boy friends real, and imagined.

Later with the invention of Psychology, and related voodoo they actually put a name to all this mayhem...kinda. Seems we were some sort of "Third Sex" for a while there.

These primitive headshrinkers were close, but never knew it. 

See the thing is there ain't three sexes. There's Seven Billion. One orientation one reality of self for each bleeping human individual on the planet. So in the late 19th century when they labeled us a third whatever there were actually at the time about a Billion.

We've labored on that number since. 

Fucking is hard work, but someone has to do it. Anyway from back then through all the permutations of Pervert Identity here we are. In our latest mutation of being as the Stroller Pushers say "Just like everybody else". 

Which is total fabricated bullshit.

As I say that identity thing is forever evolving. Mutating if ya like. Right now Perverts aka Homosexuals, and assorted variations of same are just swell by most...with certain exceptions. 

That "Tribe that loves the Heavenly Beauty of Boys" as the Sufi's put it for example. There's others but they get most of the press right now. 

Where was I?

Right about the illustration above there...oh the maddeningly beauty of love. ...and Boys. Them Sufi guys didn't spill all that ink about the "Beardless" for nothing. It was what being a damned pervert was all about. 

That, and not trying to pretend to be straight married with kids tax paying clones of people that a moment ago wanted us all dead. Dammit...makes me crazy. 

'Back to that 7 BILLION unique identities thing.

What would them dreary "Straight Gays" really 'be' if they were free to be 'who', and what they really were. 

I wonder if they'd be imitating the life style of the population which in most of this world still wants us all dead, and very soon they'll revert here to once again wanting the same thing...Praise jebus. 

Aw this crap gives me a headache.

I just wish that 50 years ago when I was a very young lad like them above I had the freedom, and yeah danger to be as they are open, and in love. 

The deaf dumb, and culturally blind peoples that "straight gays" currently ape are the ones, literally the ones, that made that simple freedom of love for me, and millions of others utterly impossible.

I like to imagine that as a lad if I,...we had freedom of identity. Well I certainly might not be the wrecked wounded pissed off survivors I am.

If we were 'free' we might be a happy fulfilled bright creative people.

Still the ultimate truth is that we are 7 Billion unique souls trapped in a system that can't comprehend that so we're in the shit we're in.

I need a fucking drink.


Anonymous said...

Spot on Uncle Sid!!!

"Making love is not just becoming as one, or even two, but becoming as a hundred thousand." -Deleuze and Guattari, "Anti-Oedipus"

uncle1950uncle said...
