Saturday, March 31, 2018

"...saved the Union"

I went to the Brooklyn Main branch today. I likes it there. They have everything the Times Square branch has,...except the lions out front.
I later sat by the Civil War arch across the street. This commemorating the "Grand Army of the Republic. The Army that saved the Union from the Slaver Southern Aristocracy.

It was good to get out of my digs be in the sun chat with folks, and pick up a few books. Sometimes when the weather is right the sun bright, and everybody having sun induced Vitamin D overdoses. When this happens we're all high on nature, and each other's company.

I'll take this over gloomy grey days, and hostile paranoia any day.

The general cheerfulness extended to my local deli where the nice Palestinian owner gave me free orange juice with my order. "This is good for you" he said.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous building! I still say they should have a modest but comfortable suite of rooms upstairs for you. Then you’ll have the stacks to yourself all night, every night.


uncle1950uncle said...

Sounds more than reasonable.