Saturday, March 10, 2018

"...Long Haul"

I've been watching documentaries online about ethnic cultural diversity, and conflict in the U.K., and here in the States. Of course this is a profoundly complex issue taking in several centuries of contradictory, and brutal history. As Mr. Spock said to Kirk on being asked where they were. Spock not knowing the specific location said, "...we have moved from where we were to where we are."
That's us.
The bottom line for America, and the UK is that the last century of progress for minorities isn't going down well with the majority. This coupled with a now profoundly changed economy which has displaced many tens of millions.
The common perception of poor, and working class whites is that they are endangered, and victims. This explains the growth of nationalism, and regressive attitudes.
As I saw in a UK douc. "Poor White is the New Black". That this is not so since they all still have the considerable advantage of their skin color. However that is immaterial since they believe that they are now victims of cultural oppression. From my point of view all they have lost is the power or at least a bit of the power to oppress, and torment others.
"White is Right" is now "White is Kind of Right".
As I said it's complex since they are in fact suffering.
However not at my hand or anyone's hand that looks like me. Their problem is with the interconnected world economy new technologies, and how predatory capital is implementing it. That, and yes some of them are Mk-1 racist bigoted xenophobes. Some. All the other groups colors, and orientations have these too. I can tell you from personal experience there are Black race nationalist homophobes running around.
However we are all in our separate bubbles. The white poor, and working class bubble is hurt disoriented, and angry. The usual suspects are available for their rage. I have no solution other than time patients mercy forgiveness, and humor. These seem in cases to work in the long run. Perhaps acknowledging their suffering while pointing out where it really comes from might be a start. Thing is we're stuck with each other.
We either figure this thing out or it's going to be a very ugly long haul.


Anonymous said...

I think the privileged classes use race divisions and other forms of identity politics to keep those beneath them divided, hence conquered. They did this in colonial times, promoting the notion of white supremacy so as to prevent European indentured laborers from making common cause with black slaves in defense of their common economic interests.

Today the rules of the game are somewhat different, but the goal is the same: to keep the poor and working classes divided into factions and at one another’s throats, so that the rich remain in control, facing no real challenge.


uncle1950uncle said...

That plus the institutionalized stupidity of the masses works like a cursed charm.