Friday, March 23, 2018

"Up to Date"

So,...again. Well this time a Black kid was shot dead by Cops for standing in his back yard speaking on the phone. Seems there was a call that someone has broken the window of a car,...not as far as I know a capital offense.
Anyway a police chopper saw the kid standing in his grandma's backyard. The Cops were directed there told him to put his hands up thought the phone was a gun, and shot him.

22 times.

As is tradition when they realized it wasn't a clean kill. They muted, and turned off their cameras. This it is assumed by the family's attorney to give them time to make up a cover story.
More of the same. Just a new wrinkle of now adding speaking on the phone as a racial death sentence.

This added to the other so far known racial ethnic police death sentences...such as. Walking while Black, riding a bike driving eating ice cream in a park getting off a school bus playing in the park with your friends from school crossing a street sweeping the sidewalk in front of your house.

Obeying the instructions of a Police officer.

Playing softball being at a wedding funeral baptism family or friend's party going to or coming from church washing your car in your own driveway painting your house walking your dog.

Hanging Holiday decorations at your job your house your mother's house your neighbors house coming home from work your own birthday party coming home on leave from the war stopping at a red light obeying firemen, and backing away from a fire.

Going on a date going to the movies coming home from the movies going to the hospital coming home from a hospital. Going to a police station to pay a parking citation being at the beach being at an amusement park.

Now speaking on a phone on your family's property while Black is also a capital offense.

This is no joke. Black boys, and men aged from 11 to 84 have been shot dead for doing the above. Just because it's not on YouTube anymore don't mean it's stopped.

Just thought I'd mention this.
So now we can all be up to date on what not to do.

Mind you it's very hard being a cop. Your life hangs by a split second decision. They have a saying. 
"Better to be judged by 12, than carried by 6."

However those decisions seem rather seriously loose when un-white people are in their sights.

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