Monday, March 19, 2018


Speaking about the Mid-east is zero sum. No matter your opinion no matter what people are going to give you hell. That said. On a friends page the subject came up about the current Israeli government's apparent disavowal of the Two State Solution.
My comment.

I supported Israel all my life. I was raised around holocaust survivors. Seeing the green numbers on people's arms was a very common childhood sight. They worked at most of the shops of my childhood.
The candy store where I got my comics, and model airplanes.
The tailor which made my Confirmation suit. My baby sitter my piano teacher!

The only white children I played with were Jews. The only whites that visited my home were my mother's Jewish friends she made as a student at City College.
I knew early what the Nazis did. My mother told me the story of how the Rabbi of the small Black Jewish community in Harlem walked down the middle of Lenox Avenue weeping...through the middle he was in a daze, and weeping.
This after he was told what was being done in Europe by the Nazis. This in 1940 before it was generally known, and before we were at war.
I say all this to illustrate my, and my family's relation with the Jewish people. I now express my horror at what the current government of Israel is doing to it's neighbors. In particularly under the extreme rightwing, and orthodox influences. The brutal military actions the building on Palestinian lands by religious extremes.
Their functional if not legal disavowal of the Two State Solution is suicide for Israel, and guarantees that Israel will become a Pariah Nation.
I can't as it presently is support it any longer in any way. Israel at this time is as wrong by it's policies as we are under #45. Still despite this Israel is the only functioning democracy in the region. Indeed because they are I hold them to a 'profoundly' higher standard that any state in the area.

I'm being emotional, but am I making my point?

...a friend has gone badly wrong.


Anonymous said...

Get used to it Sidney! Heed the words of a brilliant American president:

"Democracy … soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." -John Adams

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that’s pretty much how I’ve come to see it too. & I think the long term results will be bad for Israel, very bad. Once our Empire is too weak to back them, who are they gonna turn to - Russia, maybe? Is it really credible that a tiny country of mostly desert will be able out of its own resources to be forever armed to the teeth with high-end military hardware? For many years they’ve been acting like they don’t need the good will of their neighbors, and doubling down hard on that assumption, past the point of no return. This will prove a big mistake, I think.


uncle1950uncle said...


This shit we're living through is bad...worse than bad. Evil.

I dream of a Holy Angel lad coming from the Light to lead a Children's Crusade of Life Kindness, and Justice.

Maybe the kids walking out of schools to save their own lives is a beginning.

The youngsters are so far resisting all attempts by politicians, and them tired dreary far left shit heads to co-op them into those failed circuses. Maybe this one this movement is the Real Deal of this era.

Unlike Occupy it may not melt away at spring break. This as the bullets keep coming in their direction without stop. They have a reason to fight back,...their very lives.