Wednesday, March 7, 2018

"Snow Day"

Well there's the New Climate for ya. One day it's 73f degrees.
The next there's actual "Thunder Snow!"
Shook the damned windows at my digs.
It was like a bleeping sonic boom.

Yep another Nor-Easter has hit. There's another for next week as well. February was the warmest Feb. ever recorded. So naturally March will be the snowiest,...makes total sense.

Some gleeful Queer Boys, and their Gal pal out, and about.
Our dear comrades in search of Snow Faeries.

A distant cousin of Queers I understand.


Anonymous said...

Yea! My husky would love it.

Do you know those dogs actually *enjoy* pulling sleds? They think it’s great fun. If you ever see them doing it, check out the looks on their faces.


uncle1950uncle said...


Anonymous said...

I’m ready for an alternate reality. This branch of the material plane bites the big one. A trip to some alternate dimension via Ong’s Hat or some truly great hallucinogens would really suit me just now.

Hell, I’d even settle for a margarita with quesadillas on the beach at Puerto Vallarta, but I’m tellin ya I need some serious improvement in the quality of this reality!


Anonymous said...

Where & how can we draw a door in the wall of the Reality Police?


uncle1950uncle said...

I have been searching for that damned inter-reality portal for years.

The thing keeps moving!

I understand why, but still.