Saturday, March 31, 2018


Okay so I 'round a corner, and bump into this guy. Hey it happens. "Could go in any direction.
I'm abducted to Planet X invited to join a book club.
He tries to sell me a subscription to "Gay Robot Terror Gazette".
Heck maybe he just asks directions to Brooklyn. 

Life is like this. Well mine is anyway.

Come to think of it. I think I met this guy the last time I was in the Nuthouse. Yeah he was the big guy they had to hold down while they defused that North Korean nuke he had shoved up his butt.

How or why it was there who knows. I was just happy my Morphine injections came regular. Hey life is a gas!

Proper credit for the image. 
(Hugo Huerta an action figure artist, and FB comrade did the robot.)

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