Thursday, March 15, 2018


I have to stop reading news sites, and social media platforms. It's bad out there. Fear rage confusion news of horrors. You know the scan. You've see it all too.
Look I know it's bad, but does anyone have hope directions solutions? Anything?
I mean imagine going online or opening a paper turning on the TV, and not just getting the same old ugly scary static, but hope.
It's like what we're getting was deliberately designed to make us close up lock up, and stop caring. This cannot go on like this.


Anonymous said...

“According to Shaivite prophecy, humanity’s sole hope of survival resides in the current revolutionary struggle for sexual liberation. Only the worship of the principle of life and its symbol the phallus can draw down heaven’s blessing on humankind, which is threatened by divine wrath at a civilization whose ethic, instead of happiness, joy, and pleasure, pursues war, sexual repression, hypocrisy, and the persecution of love. The Shaivite Puranas tell us that in the Kali Yuga (the era of conflicts in which we are now living), only the “fervent in love”–the adepts of the cult of Shiva-Dionysus who practice the bacchanalia—can save the world from destruction.”

-Alain Danielou, "The Hindu Temple, Deification of Eroticism", 1994, p. 2

Anonymous said...

¡Viva Shiva! ¡Dionysos! And let’s not forget Krishna, the ultimate loverboy. Erotic energy is the creative power of the universe. Ours is indeed a culture of death, of Thanatos, and the only salvation is Eros.


uncle1950uncle said...

Well if these are the answers we're fucked.

This since so many of their missionaries, and practitioners are as greasy as their Christian opposite numbers. Mind you the message is cool like the basic Christian one.

However the messengers are humans living in this era of darkness. Most seem okay with the darkness as long as they get paid.

Sorry This seems like just another twig being grasped by the thoughtful on the way down. It may not be 'totally' hopeless,...but damned close to it.

Anonymous said...

Well, there is hope for some places - Mexico, for instance; just not for the USA. That indigenous lady is still on campaign down there. I wish her well:

As the Empire declines, many places will benefit, as they won’t be getting squeezed for their resources by Exxon or United Fruit or whomever.

Rwanda is developing national health care, and in Sri Lanka medical care is free at the point of delivery. In Germany small towns have started taking back control of their local power grids from corporations. In Spain, Greece and other places hit hard by austerity, alternative local economic networks have been springing up: local currencies, barter networks, that kind of thing. Even in this benighted land there may be little pockets of attempted sanity - just not nearly enough of it.

But you won’t hear about such things from American media; they don’t want us to know about them. The less attention paid to these lying corporate shills, the better. It’s also worth recalling that television induces a light alpha brainwave trance in viewers, making them excellent subjects for hypnosis and suggestion.

And for this country as a nation, it’s true: there is no hope. Our insane commitment to the Market as the sole service provider and arbiter of values for everything, people very much included, is the death knell of anything like a liveable society. The whole English-speaking world is afflicted by this mad ideology, but our country the most fatally so.

Oh, and I stand by my support for Eros as the antidote to Thanatos, the death wish of a declining civilization. There’s no need to appeal to a bunch of Hare Krishna cultists for that.


Erik said...

You've got it Z.
Have you ever read "Eros and Civilization" by Herbert Marcuse or "Life Against Death" and "Love's Body" by Norman O. Brown?
We agree on so many things I wonder if there could be some discreet way to communicate with each other by email?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reading list! There’s also a book on Eros by Ioan Coulianu that I’d like to check out. I understand it’s to do with magic in the modern world.

Remember folks, the English-speaking world is screwed, and the USA is the worst of the bunch. There *is* no hope - Er, unless you learn Cantonese or Spanish or something.