Thursday, June 8, 2017

"Advise, and Consent',...part II

Comey's Moment. Smart man. I wonder who will play him in the movie. Perhaps a Kevin Costner sort with two days growth of beard, and in his old Navy leather jacket.

The House guards open the great doors carved with the symbols of our national honor. Slowly "Comey" enters the hall. All goes quiet. Dust motes drift in the slanted sunlight. The only sound his faded cowboy boots clicking on the marble floor. He approaches the bench with grim calm. Trump's daughter watching from the family jet over Riga quietly sez to no one " it ends."

Yeah that's how I'd shoot it.

Cut to scene in W.H. executive shitter. Trump saying, "...the loser bastard. I could 'a had cool a jacket like that."

I'm pitching this to Netflix in the morning.

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