Thursday, June 22, 2017


"Queer Mayhem Month Fun Fact # 38" Apparently Tadzio that damned annoying flirt wad of bleep from the "Death in Venice" story. Well seems he had a 'thing' going with young Joesph Stalin,...who knew?!


Anonymous said...

Now there's a juicy item!

There's something wrong with young Stalin's face. He's got two right eyebrows - or two left eyebrows, depending how you look at it. Also the right eye has a sloping squintiness, while the left is wide open and looking coolly & appraisingly into you. I wouldn't want to get anywhere near such an individual. I think there are already signs of what he will eventually become.

I recently read of Stalin that he said, long after the death of his first wife in 1907, "with her died the last of my warm feelings for humanity." I wonder how much there was of those to lose? His second wife went crazy while married to him.


uncle1950uncle said...

She killed her self too. That or the "Butcher of History" he had her slaughtered. Either is just as likely.


Stalin,...right. That's just the sort of rough trade that shit Tadzio 'would' go for.

...the heartless prick. Them two was made for each other.

"Course as always I means all this in a 'nice' way.