Monday, June 26, 2017

"Do not go gentle into that good night" ...RAGE!


Anonymous said...

Ya know, what I wanna do before I kick is tell all the sellouts, hypocrites, Quisling queers and professional persecutors to their faces *what they are,* in a way that the world can never forget. I want their grandkids to despise them. Yep, I am PISSED OFF.

I'd like to go all Ghandi-like and be all about Peace and Love, like a true-blue hippie. But the true story of the history of our lifetimes is that the aforementioned assholes worked overtime to make sure that it would be impossible for those things to prevail. They made sure war and hate got all the funding. Now I want to watch them eat the history they made. Did I mention that I'm pissed?


Anonymous said...

George Carlin, in one of his final HBO specials, put it this way:
"I have absolutely no sympathy for human beings whatsoever. None. And no matter what kind of problem humans are facing, whether it’s natural or man-made, I always hope it gets worse."