Monday, June 12, 2017

"Run for it Kid!"

In honor of Queer Pride Month we remember the "Pulse"/Orlando mass killings of last year at this time. 100+ Queers, and their pals were machine gunned down at one time in one place. So far the largest mass killing outside of the Civil War in our country.

Yet you likely haven't heard shit mentioned about it,...have you. Nope. Unless you looked for it nothing. If it were 'any' other group this would be a day of National Mourning,...but it's faggots so ya know. Rumor was he was a self-hating gay.  This as so many republican politicians seem to be.

You know how they do. Getting "Rough Trade" blow jobs in public shitters. Then passing Queer hating laws. Go figure. Also in honor of the day. It seems that  Chechnya the North Korea of former Soviet republics has opened an interment camp for Homosexuals, and other incontinent souls.

Our State department sez that they have testimony from many "creditable witnesses. they called on Russia to investigate. Fat chance. here's the "" piece on the horror.

I was reluctant to use the "C" word as in Concentration Camp. Perhaps I should from now on...not that any will care. This was inevitable to finally happen somewhere in the world. We get assaulted, and murdered in much of the world. The death sentence in a few African, and Arab countries.

However this. Finally this. Well.

The thing of it is I've found that even people that are against such cruelties are still personally disgusted with faggy goings on. I found this at that supposed progressive radio station I worked at. Comments on blogs I've done. Even in the form of  cold echoing silence from my "friends" when I speak of Queer things on my supposed progressive Facebook community.

We should do what the Jews of Europe didn't at first do. Not on a large scale till Warsaw. Train, and arm to save your lives. When 'they' come meet them with loaded AK-47's. Reliable easy to get easy to maintain, and easy to use. So nimble even children can use it,...and do.

As has been said.  How far would the Brown Shirts have got if every Jew they stalked, and went for met them with a loaded gun, and a fierce determination not to be taken alive.


Anonymous said...

Ya know, I think you're right - they *are* ignoring it because the victims were queer. Just like in the bad old days. I suspect that it's about the fact that people in gay bars are often looking to get laid; and unlike straight-gay stroller-pusher marriages, that's just not respectable. The true gay liberation was about the right to be sexual beings, not mere imitation straights, and that is *still* not ok.

But I have to admit that, upon reflection, I'm rather shocked at how much I myself have taken the event with a what-can-I-do? shrug. It seems like just another one of those awful things that happen to people in faraway places. Massacres - killings and/or maimings of 4 or more people - now take place in the USA on a daily basis. We're numbed. I'm not the only one.

This would have affected me much more back in the days when I myself was cruising around such places. If it had happened in the 80s, my clubbing days, I'd have been appalled, horrified, utterly shocked. I wouldn't have gotten over it. But now... I haven't gone to a bar looking to get laid in damn near a quarter century. All that is so far behind me; it seems so remote.

All this is not good. It means we're getting inured to atrocity. Also, let's not forget those who were not killed, but who were maimed. I bet a lot of them were crippled for life. What is happening with them right now? Is anybody helping them out? Can they all afford their medical expenses? How many are traumatized by PTSD? What is being done for them?


Anonymous said...

I have more to say. Morality is evil. I mean Judeo-Christian Abrahamic anti-sexual morality (in this case the perp was influenced by indoctrination from his Muslim father, iirc). Any code of "morals" that causes people to not care, or to care less, about victims of a murderously violent crime because the latter were sexual in some dispreferred way is by definition malefic, in my book. Religion as we know it, and the moral codes that flow from it, are quite evil in my opinion; they bear comparison with the religion of the Aztecs, involving large scale human sacrifice, and in fact their influence over the centuries has proven much worse, more durable, pernicious and damaging.

Every blow we can strike against this kind of moral code, every way we can display our contempt for it and - above all - encourage others to share that contempt, is a step toward the rehumanization of mankind. Temples of the Beautiful Boy are worthwhile explicitly *because* they upset the prudes and serve to erode their malefic influence. To make them is to serve posterity. That and planting some trees.


Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you "Z".

uncle1950uncle said...

I'll reply.

This one's serious shit, but...ill right now.

Will get to stuff after I rest.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon Sid!


uncle1950uncle said...

Well after several ice tea I.V.'s I'm as fit as I can be these days. As for the subject at hand I could go on, and on. However brevity leads to just say...

If you are armed trained have a calm head, and understand your immediate surroundings, and situation...shoot. Shoot your attacker with one round to the face.

Once down another round to the heart. Then leave.

Shoot him dead. Calmly without emotion neither rage nor pity.

You are a soldier.

A professional warrior kills. He does not 'never' murders or tortures. He only applies what violence which is absolutely necessary to the situation.

This is all that needs saying regards our current war with those that wish our extermination.