Monday, June 26, 2017

"Nothing to do with Me"

No I didn't go anywhere near that Homophile Straight gay stroller pusher "We're just like you" abomination parade. For one I'm old broke, and ill, and the other they are not my people. Indeed they'd call the cops if they knew my heart's desire.

They'd want medals for doing it too.

My sort of Faggot was declared "Not Gay" 20+ years back. This to placate the people that would just as soon kill 'all' of us.


Anonymous said...

Me neither!

"...they are not my people... they'd call the cops if they knew my heart's desire."

Precisely! Fucking Quisling queers.

"My sort of Faggot was declared "Not Gay" 20+ years back. This to placate the people that would just as soon kill 'all' of us."

Milo's a good example of the spineless type. When attacked for (briefly, momentarily) defending BL, he swiftly knuckled under and was soon spouting the approved party line on that topic, the only line that it is ever permitted to publicly enounce. If all queers were like him, no one would ever have had the guts to come out of the closet.


Anonymous said...

Find a copy of Robert Linder's "Prescription for Rebellion" written in 1952. It's a real eye opener. Even more important today than when it was written!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recommend. Sounds great! Apparently a lot of other people think so too. The old used copy on Amazon is offered for $259.99, plus $3.99 shipping. At least it's a hardback. Maybe I'll try for interlibrary loan.


Anonymous said...

Z, there are cheaper copies on Amazon.
This one is $20.89:

uncle1950uncle said...

I just love how my perverted page helps, and connects people!